Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Can the Hotels near Mumbai Domestic Airport Improve their Security?

The moment any guest arrives at a hotel, his safety becomes the hotel’s responsibility. As travellers trust the hotel in this matter, it is important for the hotels to keep their faith alive. To ensure the safety of each and every guest staying with them, the hotels near Mumbai Domestic Airport should adopt several measures.

Generally, the hotels keep a strict check on security within their premises. But, looking at the acts of terrorism and rising number of crimes, it has become imperative for the hotels to beef up their security for the sake of the guests staying with them.

Here is how the hotels near Mumbai Domestic Airport can improve their security:
  • More CCTV cameras
CCTV cameras are really potent in keeping an eye on every activity going on within and outside the hotel. The 3-star hotels in Mumbai must install additional cameras throughout their property.
Video cameras should be installed on the guest room floors, lobby, public areas, gardens, staircase, elevators, and the main gate of the hotel.
The security staff should stay alert and keep monitoring the footage captured by the surveillance cameras. In case of any suspicious activity, they should take quick action.
  • Train hotel staff
One of the most potent ways to add up more security at hotels in Mumbai is by training the hotel staff. The hotels should hire a professional to offer rigorous training to all their staff members.
The members should be educated to identify suspicious activities in the hotel and to take quick action. They should know how to protect the guests from any harm.
  • Hire additional security
The hotels in Mumbai should hire additional security to guard the hotel premise. The security personnel should be deployed in the lobby to check each and every person entering and leaving the hotel.

The security professionals should monitor the entire premise round-the-clock. In the night, the guards should keep a strict eye on the entire premise to prevent infiltrations. The staff should also conduct rounds of the entire hotel to ensure that no one is infiltrating the restricted areas or wrong floors.
  • Use of modern devices
The hotels should use the latest technology to keep the guests and their property safe. The hotels should install weapon detector machines so as to ensure that no person enters the property with deadly weapons.

If in case, any such person arrives at the hotel, the management should inform the police right away.
Every guest blindly trusts the hotel for his security. The hotels near Mumbai Domestic Airport should not let their guests down. The security measures mentioned in this blog are very efficient in preventing, as well as handling, any uncalled-for situation at hotels in Mumbai. Every hotel, be it a budget hotel or a 5-star hotel should implement these measures to increase the security.

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